Our Mission is to Empower Rural Communities In Africa Through Education, Infrastructure, Economic Development, and Support.


We empower communities through skills acquisition and increased access to higher education and professional development.


We build communities by making infrastructural improvements to ensure access to safe water, shelter, and transportation.


We give stipends to families, people with disabilities or disease, and the elderly so that they might feed, cloth, and house themselves.


Poverty erodes economic and social rights such as the right to health, adequate housing, food, and safe water, and the right to education.

Wherever we lift one soul from a life of poverty, we are defending human rights. And whenever we fail in this mission, we are failing human rights.
— Kofi Annan United Nations Secretary-General


of people in sub-Saharan Africa live on $1.25 a day.

1 in 3

people living in sub-Saharan Africa are undernourished.

589 million

people live without electricity In sub-Saharan Africa

$30 billion

is lost in sub-Saharan Africa yearly as productivity is compromised by water and sanitation problems.


Education and economic development are our primary focus. Ending poverty will entail improving economic productivity and opportunities.

Children in poverty lack access to schools with adequate facilities where they can receive standard education. They are much less likely to graduate from high school or to go to college. Their lack of education, in turn, restricts them and their children to poverty, enforcing a vicious cycle of continuing poverty across generations.  

We empower communities through skills acquisition and increased access to higher education and professional development.


Poor states of infrastructure in many parts of Africa reduced national economic growth by two percentage points every year and cut business productivity by 40%.

Much like education, poor infrastructure can be a significant contributor to a community’s inability to escape poverty. Additionally, families living in overcrowded inadequate housing with a lack of access to safe drinking water are more likely to contract meningitis and experience respiratory difficulties. 

We build communities by making infrastructural improvements to ensure access to safe water, shelter, and transportation.


Many families in rural communities have nothing else in the form of occupation and sustain themselves through subsistence farming. 

While building any structure, support beams and scaffolding are imperative to the structure's successful construction. Therefore, economic and community development alone without support would leave many families on the verge of starvation.

We give stipends to students, families, people with disabilities or diseases, and the elderly so that they might feed, cloth, and house themselves.

Help us make a difference.

With your donation, we can make a difference in the lives of the children, young adults, and the elderly in rural African communities.

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